Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
December , 2023
Uticaj zrelosti u upravljanju projektima na ostvarivanje poslovne izvrsnosti organizacija
December , 2023
Railway cooperation among V4 states — The role of political spillovers in rail transport integration between the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland, and the Slovak Republic (1999–2021)
December , 2023
Une autre foi, une autre France. Les libelles imprimés par les catholiques zélés durant les guerres de Religion (1585-1629)
December , 2023
The meaning of formal palliative care family meetings and their consequences for people receiving specialist palliative care in two Slovene hospitals : A phenomenological hermeneutic study
December , 2023
Scientific methods for integrating expert knowledge in Bayesian models
December , 2023
The C2H2 transcription factor ZAT5 negatively regulates pectin demethylesterification by targeting PMEs in Arabidopsis seed mucilage
December , 2023
Elvárt digitális kompetenciák a jogi munkaerőpiacon a történelem és a gyakorlat kontextusában
December , 2023
The late Quaternary sedimentological-geochemical-based enviromental history of a peat sequence of Kerek-tó from Transylvania
December , 2023
Ion-molekula reakciók mechanizmusainak azonosítása és tanulmányozása elméleti módszerekkel
December , 2023
Concevoir des toitures vertes analogues aux pelouses sèches indigènes pour la biodiversité et l’hydrologie
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