Experiences of secure services for older adults who have a forensic history - PhDData

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Experiences of secure services for older adults who have a forensic history

The thesis was published by Mitchell, Jade, in December 2023, University of Birmingham.


This research project explores the lived experiences of older adults who have offended, on life in secure forensic services. Chapter one delves into how this population have coped in prison and/or secure forensic mental health units. Through a systematic review and narrative synthesis of relevant literature in the field, findings involved themes around religion, social support, activities, treatment/rehabilitation, a sense of belonging and acceptance. Chapter two turned the focus to secure forensic mental health units in particular, given the lack of research in this area. A qualitative methodology utilised semi-structured interviews to explore participant’s sense making of living in secure forensic mental health units as an older adult. Themes included: the relational power of staff members in secure care, the experience of living with other patients with forensic and mental health needs, the stressors of being an older adult in secure care, and coping.

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