Funkcije prostora modernizma u transformaciji savremenog grada
The subject of this doctoral dissertation is the analysis of the historical course of the modernization process in the interwar and post-war period of the 20th century and its reflection on the urban space of Novi Sad. By in-depth research of key spaces created in the process of modernization, as well as understanding all the mechanisms that shaped it, we can recognize the potential of these spaces to actively participate in the transformation of the contemporary city. The common ground of an in-depth understanding of modernist space and its potential for instrumentalization is defined through the term metacode of modernization. It represents an essential identification of the modernist space with modernization potential, which is established through the value criteria explained in this thesis. By better understanding of modernist space, we can positively influence the social perception of this significant element of our urban environment. All this would contribute to a better understanding of the complete picture of the history of urban development of Novi Sad, and thus create a better basis for thinking about the future development of the city.