Szerbek Magyarországon a XIV. század végétől a XVI. század elejéig (1389-1526)
In order to properly reconstruct the position of the Serbian people in Hungary in the late Middle Ages after the fall of the medieval countries, by dividing the presentation into a larger number of chapters, we considered the place of the Serbian elite in Hungary, the intentions and ideas they followed, and we tried to understand how they saw their role in the new homeland. Similarly, we intended to shed light on the position of other groups of the Serbian population and the way in which they were included in Hungarian society. In order to properly respond to the tasks set, we considered the event history and all those battles in which Serbian soldiers participated from the southern Hungarian borders to Silesia. With the help of historical geography, we tried to determine which areas in the neighboring kingdom were settled by Serbs. Based on the available sources, we tried to penetrate into the mentality of the border Serbian population, to understand the obligations they had towards the Hungarian state and the possibility of social advancement. Of great importance to the position of the Serbs in Hungary were the mutual influences that arose between the Serbs and other peoples, primarily the Hungarians. What can be said is that the migration of the Serbian people to Hungary and the framework that the neighbor gave them enabled them to preserve the heritage of their medieval state, tradition and culture that enabled the creation of the modern Serbian state centuries later.