You are Okay: Supporting children with mild intellectual disabilities and their parents with mental health concerns - PhDData

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You are Okay: Supporting children with mild intellectual disabilities and their parents with mental health concerns

The thesis was published by Riemersma, I., in January 2023, Radboud University Nijmegen.


Children of parents with mental health problems have an increased risk of developing mental health problems themselves. This study is one of the first to focus specifically on children with mild intellectual disabilities whose parents suffer from mental health problems. These children are at an even higher increased risk because children with mild intellectual disabilities, more often than not, already have emotional and behavioural problems themselves. The ‘You are Okay’ intervention is designed to prevent problems or further problems from developing. An initial impact study was conducted on a clinical group of children with mild intellectual disabilities and additional emotional and behavioural problems for which they received outpatient or residential treatment. This study shows that ‘You are Okay’ seems to be effective in reducing emotional and behavioural problems. In addition, a qualitative study revealed that participants found the programme valuable and useful. Further research is needed to confirm that ‘You are Okay’ can support this target group.

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