Multi-Layered Architectures for Autonomous Systems - PhDData

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Multi-Layered Architectures for Autonomous Systems

The thesis was published by González Dorado, José Carlos, in September 2022, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.


Mención Internacional en el título de doctorDeliberation is a key feature to endow advanced intelligence to autonomous agents.
Complex use cases, specially robotic applications which require a considerable degree
of autonomy, have to be coordinated by some kind of control architecture. However,
reusing existing architectures can be difficult because use cases are very heterogeneous.
The main goal of this thesis is to ease the use of standard deliberative techniques in usecase
oriented cognitive architectures for autonomous systems. This thesis contributes
with new declarative languages to model use cases, new control architectures, new software
developments and new methodological guidelines of how to apply these concepts
in engineering processes. To justify the contributions, this thesis presents the design
of NAOTherapist, an autonomous social robot for upper-limb pediatric rehabilitation.
Its control architecture is a prototype that maximizes its generalization capabilities.
However, several limitations arose when reusing this architecture in other projects as
the Clarc robot (geriatric assessment) and a CoBot robot (office delivery tasks). The
discussion about NAOTherapist is used to highlight these limitations and determine
how to overcome them. The main implementation after all these approaches is Mlaras
(Multi-Layered ARchitecture for Autonomous Systems), which is a generic architecture
to ease the development of autonomous intelligent systems. It also allows non-expert
users to directly modify it to refine the use-case definition. Mlaras is focused on automated
planning as the core of its deliberative processes, which are separated into
several layers to take advantage of the hierarchical abstraction levels present in many
use cases. An instance of Mlaras has been developed for the autonomous agents of a
simulated logistics competition use case to further evaluate the capabilities of the new
architecture. The experimentation concludes that the contributions help to fill the gap
between the use case definitions and the actual developed applications.- Arquitecturas para Capacitación Social Basadas en Planificación Automática.
Funding Entity: MICINN, RTI2018-099522-B-C43.
– Lifelong Technologies for Social Robots in Smart Homes.
Funding Entity: MINECO, TIN2015-65686-C5-1-R
– European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development Plus Plus (ECHORD++).
Sub-project smart CLinic Assistant Robot for CGA (CLARK).
Funding Entity: European Union Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7),
Grant Agreement No. FP7-ICT-601116
– Diseño, Planificacion Automática Y Evaluación De Terapias De Neuro-Rehabilitación Dirigidas Por Un Robot Social E Interactivo.
Funding Entity: MINECO, TIN2012-38079-C03-02Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: María Araceli Sanchís de Miguel.- Secretario: José María Cañas Plaza.- Vocal: Carlos Hernández Corbato

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