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PhD Tips
January , 2025
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November , 2023
‘Playing the ‘China Card’: US and UK arms sales to China and triangular diplomacy in the late Cold War, 1969-1991
November , 2023
(En)Gendering Difference: A fourth-wave account of K/S fanfiction as a literature, performance, and community of affect
November , 2023
„A Critical Student of Augustine” – Reinhold Niebuhr’s Interpretation of Augustine
November , 2023
Депресивни симптоми и суицидално понашање код пацијената са епилепсијом
November , 2023
Фактори креирања туристичког искуства у градским дестинацијама
October , 2023
#StateOfMind: The relationship between social media use, gender, and family life, with mental health and well-being. Longitudinal evidence from young people in the UK and South Korea
October , 2023
“Re-fashioning a Sustainable Classic.” An exploration into blending through pattern and structure as a method to improve the use of broad wool fibres in commercial fashion fabrics
October , 2023
Влада у систему рационализованог парламентаризма
September , 2023
Синтеза нових биолошки активних конјугата стероида са фероценом и идентификација нових природних производа из црне зове (Sambucus nigra L.)
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