The project PhD Data was launched after my graduation from a famous Beijing’s University. I spent many years in China doing my PhD in Artificial Intelligence, trying to combine online marketing and machine learning.
We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants
During my study in China I could see there is a big gap between foreigners and Chinese in terms of culture but also in terms of work habits. But most importantly, I consider it a pity that Chinese PhD students tend to read mostly scientific Chinese literature and foreigners PhD students read mostly English scientific literature for their research. Even myself I didn’t try to read the Chinese documents available as I have no idea where to begin…
That is the reason why I had the idea to create this website. There are a lot of things to discover in a Chinese thesis for foreigners and at the same time many scientific ideas to discover in foreign thesis for chinese. Therefore I launched this service to help international researchers to discover thesis in their topic of research, including in Chinese, and Chinese researchers to do the same. The main idea is to type keywords relative to your field, in English or Chinese, and then you can get results with access to abstracts to determine if the thesis is worth your time to read. If so, you can download them in PDF directly to discover concepts you would probably miss without