Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
December , 2023
Uticaj zrelosti u upravljanju projektima na ostvarivanje poslovne izvrsnosti organizacija
December , 2023
Une autre foi, une autre France. Les libelles imprimés par les catholiques zélés durant les guerres de Religion (1585-1629)
November , 2023
Új német hegemónia Európában : Németország hatalmi pozíciója az Európai Unióban a 2008-as gazdasági válságot követően
November , 2023
Using cognitive tasks to measure clinically relevant cognition in depression and anxiety: Implications for cognitive behavioural therapy
November , 2023
Understanding HIV permissiveness landscape at population and single-cell level
November , 2023
Understanding nitrate assimilation by eukaryotic green microalgae
November , 2023
Utilizing lignocellulose-based building blocks to develop recyclable polyesters
October , 2023
Ultrasound tomography using pyroelectric and piezoelectric sensors
October , 2023
Utter monster: How my performing voice creates queer space and generates alternative gender narratives
October , 2023
Uticaj svetlosnih vodiča na svojstva polimerizacione reakcije dentalnih kompozitnih materijala
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