„Lehet dolgokat kitalálni is...” Tar Sándor prózapoétikájának olvasási lehetőségei - PhDData

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„Lehet dolgokat kitalálni is…” Tar Sándor prĂłzapoĂ©tikájának olvasási lehetĹ‘sĂ©gei

The thesis was published by Sinkovicz László, in October 2022, University of Szeged.


This dissertation explores and examines the different ways of reading of Sandor Tar’s prosaic works. The author used to be read as a counterpoint of the Hungarian postmodern. Readers celebrated Tar’s short stories as the examples of the return of realism, the uprise of sociography, that show the realistic world of the blue-collar workers. Although these interpretations may not be wrong at one point they had become something, that hid further possibilities of reading.
During my research my aim was to find new ways to examine, how effectively the different strategies of readings of postmodern literature could work on his writings, which were considered everything, but postmodern or avantgarde. Because of this I have not read Tar’s short stories and novel as reflections of the reality or the society. In my interpretation things, spaces, people were not examples of something referential, but signifiers, that can be read as – for example – an allusion of another writing.
This paper aims to focus on three main topics, which can be noticed all over his writings. First is literature, which is the first chapter of this work and examines intertextual and other literary connections between Tar’s and other authors’ work. The second chapter is focusing on the questions of metaphysics, including the fixed and central points, omnipotence and the faith in God. The third topic- and chapter asks and interprets the questions of the language: how the effect of reality is born during the writings, what are the roles and positions of the author, the narrator, and the reader. The prologue and the epilogue explore cultural environment of Tar’s debut and how his oeuvre can help the better understanding the newest wave of Hungarian literature, that seems to have left behind the postmodern literary language.

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