Quantum Optics Experiments in Space - PhDData

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Quantum Optics Experiments in Space

The thesis was published by Vedovato, Francesco, in November 2018, University of Padova.


Space has always been a primary source of inspiration for the development of the scientific, technological, artistic, philosophical and religious thinking of the whole humankind. Space explorations marked the history of the XX century, bringing an incredible technological advancement and allowing to investigate the natural phenomena over scales and into details which are simply not available on Earth. Nowadays, the Space is the benchmark of the new quantum revolution, which promises to change the way we communicate, measure and calculate, thank to the exploitation and the control of what happens at the microscopic scale. Indeed, the quantum theory, born at the beginning of the XX century to describe the behavior of the elementary particles of Nature, has reached today an incredible reliability. As any scientific theory, Quantum Mechanics is valid within the limits in which it has been experimentally verified, and the Space is the main stage where to validate quantum predictions at large scales, in a domain that is completely different with respect to the microscopic one from which it moved. The technological advances in photonics, which allows the manipulation and the control of the single quanta of light, the photons, make today feasible fundamental tests of Quantum Mechanics in Space, experiments to investigate, for example, if entanglement is preserved along thousands of kilometers or if the wave-particle duality survives even after a Space trip. Furthermore, Space makes available relativistic regimes, in which the velocities and the distances could allow to experimentally investigate the unresolved puzzle of modern physics, that is, the interplay between Quantum Mechanics and gravitation. For these reasons, this thesis is dedicated to the Quantum Optics experiment in Space I have been involved during my PhD.

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