You, I & Integration - A Master's Thesis Regarding the Criterias of Successful Integration - PhDData

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You, I & Integration – A Master’s Thesis Regarding the Criterias of Successful Integration

The thesis was published by , in January 2017, Aalborg University.


Denne specialeafhandling er udarbejdet med henblik på at skabe et oplevelsesdesign, der kan tilgodese integrationen af unge flygtninge i Aalborg. Målet med afhandlingen er, at skabe rammerne for at unge flygtninge og unge danskere kan motiveres til at skabe relationer. Denne problemstilling er analyseret ud fra en teoretisk rammesætning, hvorudfra integrationsbegrebet undersøges med fokus på den oplevelsesmæssige værdi. Forståelse af unge flygtninges behov og bestemmelse af denne målgruppe blev foretaget på baggrund af et besøg på Tranum Asylcenter. Som supplement til at forstå integrationsprocessen blev interviews foretaget med henholdsvis Jobcenter Integration Aalborg og Dansk Flygtningehjælp.Den dominerende forståelse af integrationsbegrebet er, at det er et samfundsmæssigt ansvar. I denne afhandling betragter vi integrationsbegrebet fra et perspektiv, hvor unge danskere fungerer som hovedaktører for skabe en succesfuld integration af unge flygtninge. For at opnå viden om unge danskere og unge flygtninges ønske om at skabe relationer, er interviews foretaget med ti unge danskere og tre unge flygtninge i aldersgruppen 18-24 år.Den teoretiske rammesætning er udarbejdet på baggrund af litteratur, der er målrettet at opnå en forståelse for hvordan individet handler i verden, på baggrund af tillid og anerkendelse. Herunder er litteratur om oplevelsesteori og motivation inddraget for at skabe en forståelse for, hvordan individerne gennem gode oplevelser kan motiveres til at skabe relationer. Dertil er der skabt forståelse for integrationsbegrebet med afsæt i, hvorvidt det er en reel integration, der ønskes. På baggrund af den teoretiske rammesætning er begreberne symmetri og asymmetri udledt og anvendt til at opnå forståelse for relationen mellem unge flygtninge og unge danskere. Herudfra er teoretisk funderede designkriterier skabt.Dernæst er designkriterier udledt ud fra analyse af det empiriske grundlag for at opnå indblik i reelle forventninger og ønsker til en integrationsproces.Teoretiske og analytiske designkriterier sammenholdes for at udlede integrationsmæssige barrierer og muligheder, der sammen med udledte vært- og gæstbegreber danner belæg for udvikling af det endelige koncept.Konceptet har form af et introforløb på en uddannelsesinstitution, hvorudfra de unge danskere og flygtninge skal interagere med hinanden, og derved finde et fælles sprog. Ved at skabe et oplevelsesdesign der, gennem faste rammer, tvinger fysisk interaktion, kan unge flygtninge og unge danskere motiveres til at skabe sociale relationer og integration på mellemmenneskelige niveau.The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to create an experience design that can consider the integration of young refugees in Aalborg. The objective of the thesis is to lay down the framework for young refugees and young Danes to be motivated to create relations. This thesis is framed through a theoretical discourse, in which the integration concept is investigated with a focus on the value of experience.Understanding the needs of the young refugees and deciding which group to target was based on a visit to Tranum Asylcenter. As an addendum to understand the integration process, Jobcenter Integration Aalborg, and Dansk Flygtningehjælp was interviewed. The predominant understanding of the integration concept is that it is a societal responsibility. In this thesis, the integration concept is explored with the perspective that young Danes act as main operators to create a successful integration of young refugees. To obtain knowledge of the wishes of young Danes and young refugees to create relations, ten young Danes and three young refugees, aged 18-24, have been interviewed.The theoretical discourse has been framed based on literature, which focuses on obtaining an understanding of how the individual acts in the world, again based on trust and recognition. This includes literature about experience and motivation theory to better understand, how the individuals through good experiences can be motivated to create new relations. Furthermore, an understanding of the integration concept is based on whether an actual integration is desired. To attain an understanding of the relations between young Danes and young refugees, the concepts of symmetry and asymmetry have been derived and applied based on the theoretical discourse. It is from this, the theoretically based design criteria have been created.Subsequently, design criteria have been derived from the empirical basis to gain insight in actual expectations and desires for an integration process. In this thesis, the theoretical and analytical design criteria are compared to deduce integrational possibilities and barriers that, along with deduced host and guest concepts justify the development of the final concept.The concept consists of an intro course at an educational institution, wherefrom the young Danes and young refugees will interact with one another to reach a common language.By creating a fixed boundaries experience design, young Danes and young refugees can be motivated to create social relations and integration on an inter humanly level through scheduled physical interaction.

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