Pusiau aktyvaus valdomo virpesių slopintuvo - energijos rinktuvo sistemos kūrimas ir tyrimas - PhDData

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Pusiau aktyvaus valdomo virpesių slopintuvo – energijos rinktuvo sistemos kūrimas ir tyrimas

The thesis was published by Lenkutis, Tadas, in July 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.


The dissertation investigates the issue of vibration control during stochastic vibra-tions. The main research object is the mechatronic damper that controls the damp-ing force by using generated vibration energy. The dissertation aims to design a mechatronic damper harvester and examine the possibilities of energy harvesting from vibrations. The dissertation addresses several major tasks, such as proposing the meth-odology for the vibration energy conversion to electricity by using a linear gener-ator and determining its use in the damping control process. Task 1 is formulated considering a literature review in which damping systems dissipate vibration en-ergy to the environment. Task 2 is related to the first task because controlling the damping force requires external energy, so these two processes could be com-bined. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and references. The introduction reveals the investigated problem, the importance of the dis-sertation, and the object of research, and describes the aim and tasks of the disser-tation, research methodology, scientific novelty, and the practical significance of results examined in the dissertation and defended statements. The introduction ends with lists of the author’s publications on the topic of the dissertation and the material presented at conferences, and the defined structure of the dissertation. The First Chapter reviews the used literature, including the construction of dampers and the control of the vibration-damping process, technical solutions, and energy harvesting from vibrations. The chapter ends with conclusions and speci-fies dissertation tasks. The Second Chapter provides a full car dynamic model with the damper and presents magnetic field simulations, which allowed to determine investigated is-sue-solving possibilities. The Third Chapter provides the methodology of the experiment, describes the equipment used and describes the results of the experiments, that allows to eval-uate the solution to the research problem. Trečiajame skyriuje aprašyti virpesių slopintuvo eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Nurodoma naudojama įranga, eksperimentų metodika ir pateikti rezultatai, kurie leidžia įvertinti tiriamosios problemos sprendimo galimybes. Six articles focusing on the topic of the discussed dissertation were published: three in Clarivative Web of Science and three in other international databases. Two presentations on the subject have been given at conferences at the international level.

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