Open sesame: How a pair of Fusarium effector proteins manipulates plant immunity - PhDData

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Open sesame: How a pair of Fusarium effector proteins manipulates plant immunity

The thesis was published by Blekemolen, M.C., in January 2023, University of Amsterdam.


Plant pathogens employ effector proteins to manipulate their host. During colonization of the plant vasculature, the tomato root- and xylem-infecting fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Fol) produces fourteen so-called Secreted in Xylem (SIX) proteins. Some of these proteins not only exert a virulence function on a susceptible plant, but also act as avirulence (Avr) proteins in a resistant host as they can be recognized by resistance (R) proteins. Two effector genes, AVR2 (SIX3) and SIX5 form a head-to-head gene pair on the pathogenicity chromosome of Fol strains. The research presented in this thesis describes the virulence-related activities of effectors Avr2 and Six5 of Fol.

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