Comprendere la lingua dell'economia: un'analisi multidisciplinare di terminologia, comprensione e pianificazione - PhDData

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Comprendere la lingua dell’economia: un’analisi multidisciplinare di terminologia, comprensione e pianificazione

The thesis was published by Sakr, Abdelmagid Basyouny Abdelmagid Basyouny <1992>, in July 2023, Universita di Bologna.


This thesis explores the complex language of economics, focusing on its unique terminology. Economic terms are crucial for effective communication within the field and for the public’s understanding of economic phenomena. Nevertheless, these terms can be difficult for non-experts to grasp due to their complexity and specificity. The research aims to address three main areas: 1) understanding the nature of economic language and finding the best approach to describe it, 2) assessing the level of understanding of economic language and identifying social factors that may influence it, and 3) discovering ways to make economic language more accessible to the public.
The study uses a blend of linguistics, sociolinguistics, and terminology planning methodologies. It utilizes corpus-linguistics methodology and a sociolinguistic questionnaire to explore economic language from different angles. The research provides a detailed analysis of the economic lexicon, investigating the unique characteristics of individual words and phrases. Three case studies on specialized economic phrases are presented, emphasizing their importance in understanding economic concepts.
The research also investigates the comprehension of selected economic terms, with the aim to identify social factors that may influence understanding. The results indicate that understanding of economic terminology in the sample group is generally low. Furthermore, social variables, such as reading habits, significantly affect comprehension levels.
The thesis underlines the importance of making economic language more accessible to the public to encourage informed decision-making and active participation in society. It proposes a strategy for transparently and comprehensively communicating economic concepts to the general public.
In conclusion, this study highlights the necessity of an integrated approach that combines linguistic, sociolinguistic, and terminology planning perspectives. This comprehensive approach is crucial for studying economic language effectively and enhancing public comprehension and communication of economic concepts.

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