One-Loop Analytic Results for the Higgs Boson Plus Four Partons and Searches for Supersymmetry
In this thesis we present compact analytic expressions for the production of the Higgs boson plus two jets at one-loop mediated by both a scalar and a fermion. The results are derived using generalised unitarity methods and retain the full mass dependence of the mediating particle. We use the relationship between the fermion and scalar theories to simplify the algebra in the fermion theory; many of the required integral coefficients are identical and for those that differ, the difference is of a lower rank than the scalar result.
We use these calculations to study the production of the Higgs boson plus two jets in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, assuming stop squarks are the dominant mediator. This is a potential channel for an indirect search for stop squarks, in particular we focus on the region where the lightest stop squark mass is similar to that of the top quark. However, although the 1-jet process shows improved discrimination over the inclusive process, we find there is no benefit gained from the 2-jet process.