Youth, identity and the choice of education - PhDData

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Youth, identity and the choice of education

The thesis was published by Trosborg, Bo, in January 2016, Aalborg University.


AbstractThis study examines how young people in Denmark make a choice regarding education. The choice of education is examined as a free choice for the individual even though it is strongly influenced by both their peers and society in general. The educational system is considered of great significance for the individual as well as for the society, as it helps forming the individual as a citizen as well as serves as an introduction to the labour market. In order to examine the incentive behind their choice, 6 individuals are interviewed regarding their application for an youth education programme. The process of choosing these persons was a preferential selection of diverging respondents as they hold different positions and have different plans in the educational system. The interviews are conducted in a semi structured way and analysed as a hermeneutic examination, and theory is used to provide a deeper and more profound understanding of central notions such as youth, identity and education.From this study the findings are, that people make up their minds of which education to follow, because they seek for an ideal. One major ideal for the young is a wish to stay young. To achieve this they define strategies, which gives them the opportunity to stay in school for a long period of time. Or at least stay within the educational system. Being a part of the educational system is often considered as the very centre of the definition of being young. And being young is regarded as an ideal – not only for the youth itself – but also for most parts of the modern society. Because of this definition especially work related educations may be deselected, as they contain a lifestyle that is regarded as the lifestyle of grownups. Some people do not have the skills or the possibility to seek a non-work related education – in generally called a high school diploma. They may choose the work related education and make plans for further education after that. Even youngsters who have had bad experiences in elementary school, may make plans for further and more in depth education. They will blame themselves and not the school system for their lack in skills and focus on their free choice to strengthen their capabilities. When making a long carrier plan they expect the opportunity for what is considered as better jobs on a long term, and they too can stay within the educational system. The people in this study, who have chosen work-related educations, also have a different approach to being young. An approach which provides them the possibility to stay young although not staying in school.

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