Visitation- og skærpede strafzone: Borgere og Fyns Politis oplevelser af de kriminalpræventive redskaber i Vollsmose - PhDData

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Visitation- og skærpede strafzone: Borgere og Fyns Politis oplevelser af de kriminalpræventive redskaber i Vollsmose

The thesis was published by , in January 2022, Aalborg University.


Since 2004 the Danish police has had the opportunity to implement so called stop and search zones in Denmark, within specific geographical areas. These areas are decided on by the police themself. Since 2018 the Danish police have had the opportunity to impose so called sentencing enhancement zones, within specific geographical areas. The sentence enhancement zones means that perpetrators are risking up to double time on their prison sentences.The purpose of this research paper is to highlight the lives of the inhabitants living within these zones, and the police officers working within it. It attempts, through the voices of these officers and inhabitants, to explain what implications, consequences and meanings these zones have for the community within. The research will furthermore give insight into the mechanisms that can be perceived as being counter intuitive to the supposed deterrent element of these zones. This research will also attempt to highlight what the implementations of these zones does to feeling of security for the inhabitants of the targeted community. It will discuss various topics, such as crime prevention, subcultures and discrimination.This research paper concludes that even though the citizens felt appreciation and safety, by the presence of local police, they also worried about the possibilities of enhanced outside discriminations that the zones could bring to their neighborhood. Furthermore, the research concluded that neither the citizens of Vollsmose, nor the police, felt that deterrence would be considered by the perpetrators. The research suggested that the reason for lack of deterrence could be due to counter mechanisms within the person that was supposed to be deterred.At the end the research will discuss what implications the findings made could have, on a societal level. It will also discuss where the strength of this research lies, compared to existing research, and where it falters.

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