A felnőttnevelés professzionalizációja Szerbiában – A felnőttek általános iskoláiban és az államilag elismert nem formális felnőttnevelési intézményekben dolgozó szakemberek munkaerő-piaci helyzete és professzionalizációja
As adult learning has become an integral part of everyday life as a result of environmental changes and challenges, there is a growing focus on the effectiveness of national adult education systems, in which the qualified adult learning professional is a determinant factor in promoting successful adult learning process. Nevertheless, the international literature draws attention to the inadequate preparation of professionals, their changing careers, atypical employment conditions, changing fields of activity and lack of professional identity, all of which have an impact on the effectiveness of professional activities of the adult learning professionals.
As a result, the aim of the thesis is to investigate the main labour market characteristics and professionalisation process of adult learning professionals in Serbia, using a multidimensional approach. These dimensions were aimed at an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of (1) the adult education as a profession, (2) the legislative environment of adult education in Serbia, (3) the national institutional system of adult education and (4) the characteristics of adult learning professionals. Several research methods were used to achieve this goal during the research period. First, we used a content analysis method to conduct comparative research on the legislation environment and the content of the andragogy training programmes at university level. Following that a semi-structured interview research was conducted to investigate the opinions of adult learning experts in decision-making positions about the practical implementation of adult education in Serbia (N=6). Based on the results of the previous research activities, a large sample semi-structured, self-developed questionnaire survey (N=303) was realized to explore the specified features of adult learning professionals. The target groups were the adult learning professionals employed in the adult primary schools and the state-recognized non-formal adult learning institutions. SPSS and Atlas.ti. were used to analyse the data.
One of the significance of the research is that no similar empirical survey has been conducted in Serbia, which confirms the diversity of adult education professionals, their atypical employment conditions and the lack of a unified professional identity.