Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
November , 2023
I am more than a piece of paper. Listening to young people as they reflect on their lived experience of being in care and attending school.
November , 2023
Intertwined Histories and Ecologies: Early architectural and hydraulic treatises and practices in the Venetian Region.
November , 2023
Investigation of a Tau aggregation inhibitor peptide and peptide-conjugated liposomes as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease
October , 2023
Implication des infections à papillomavirus humains dans la carcinogenèse œsophagienne et endocervicale
October , 2023
Izdvajanje, karakterizacija i enzimska modifikacija pektinskog polisaharida muskatne tikve (Cucurbita moschata)
October , 2023
Investigating risk for elevated anxiety and depression symptoms in children who stutter relative to non-stuttering peers
October , 2023
Integrating Across Conceptual Spaces
October , 2023
Integrating multi-omics data by mapping subclonal events on tumour evolutionary trees
October , 2023
Investigating Spatio-Temporal Randomness of Large Earthquakes
October , 2023
Investigating the emergence of neural circuits for navigation in developing rats using wireless technology
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