Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
January , 2023
Oxidative stress-related factors in abdominal aortic aneurysm: potential clinical implications
January , 2023
Organisatorisk sundhedskompetence til patienter med kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom (KOL) – Forandringsforslag til forbedring af den organisatoriske sundhedskompetence på en lungemedicinsk afdeling.
January , 2023
OIOFuzz: A Guided Model-based Blackbox Fuzzer for OIORASP Schematron Validation
January , 2023
Optimization of the design of experimental (DoE) simulations of Ion-sensitive Field Effect Transistors
January , 2023
Oncolytic virus therapy in early metastatic melanoma: The importance of adequate staging
January , 2023
Object-activity: Repurposing the dual nature of web data for digital research
January , 2023
Örményellenesség és armenofília : Az örmény kérdés versengő narratívái Magyarországon és Európában
January , 2023
Optimising nanopores for DNA sequencing: A computational perspective
January , 2023
Old times, new worlds’: Representation of British kings in Hollywood and British cinema in the 2010s.
January , 2023
Optimizing task allocation for edge compute micro-clusters
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