Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
January , 2013
XML és félig-strukturált adatbázisok függőségei
January , 2013
X-Ray Beam Studies of Charge Sharing in Small Pixel, Spectroscopic, Cdznte Detectors.
January , 2013
XIII. Leó pápa megnyilatkozásainak filozófiatörténeti előzményei (Különös tekintettel a vallásszabadságra)
December , 2012
X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of electrochemical processes
November , 2012
X-Ray Crystallographic and Electron Microscopy Studies on Members of the ClyA/ Nhe Family of the Pore-Forming Toxins Avian Pathogenic E. coli Cytolysin A and B. cereus Non-Hemolytic Enterotoxin
July , 2012
XANES study of chemistry of localised corrosion in artificial pits of 316L stainless steel and titanium
June , 2012
‘X’ marks the spot: the history and historiography of Coleshill House, Berkshire
May , 2012
Xenobiotikum transzporterek vizsgálata humán keratinocitákban és bőrben
January , 2012
Xenogene Kokultur zur Induktion der neuronalen Differenzierung in humanen glandulären und Haut-abgeleiteten Stammzellen / Anna Emilia Petschnik
October , 2011
X-Ray Fluorescence applied to Z=120 element fission time study
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