Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
October , 2015
Young nones : young people of no religion
July , 2015
‘You had to be there…’: Place and the production of comedy culture
April , 2015
Yoga, a space for sacred
January , 2015
Young people, HIV prevention and policy making in the rural Eastern Cape, South Africa
January , 2015
Your Trash, My Treasure: An assessment of the value of souvenirs
December , 2014
You are happy and safe: a discourse analysis of a diagnostic disclosure of dementia
September , 2014
Y-ACCDIST: An Automatic Accent Recognition System for Forensic Applications
July , 2014
Youth crime: an investigation into the effectiveness of general re-offending risk assessment tools
June , 2014
Yemeni learners face intercultural problematic : analysis, experimentation, propositions
March , 2014
YBCO nanowires for ultrasensitive magnetic flux detectors and optical applications
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