Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
November , 2012
Yes in my backyard: market based mechanisms for forest conservation and climate change mitigation in La Primavera, México
August , 2012
Youth justice in England and Wales: exploring young offenders’ perceptions of restorative and procedural justice in the referral order process
July , 2012
Youth Political Organizations and Music in Contemporary Russia: the National Identity Issue
June , 2012
‘Ye olde authour’: Tolkien’s anatomy of tradition in the Silmarillion
May , 2012
Young People as Active Citizens: Placing Youth Participation Structures in The Republic of Ireland under Critical Scrutiny
January , 2012
Youths in non-military roles in an armed opposition group on the Burmese-Thai border
January , 2012
Yard differences in training, management and orthopedic injury in showjumping, riding school, and thoroughbred race horses
January , 2012
Young motherhood and consumption : an exploration of the consumer practices of a group of young mothers in Bristol
January , 2012
Young onset dementia : characteristics and impact
January , 2012
Youth, risk and identity
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