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PhD Tips
December , 2011
Ypatingųjų poveikių statiniams sukeliamos rizikos vertinimo metodas
December , 2011
Ypatingųjų poveikių statiniams sukeliamos rizikos vertinimo metodas
December , 2011
Youth, citizenship and the production of ‘dangerous communities’: representations of young Muslims in Britain and Germany
July , 2011
Youth against experience: a play for the stage in two acts
January , 2011
Your Mind or Mine? Self and Other Mentalizing in ‘Poor’ and ‘Expert’ Mentalizers.
January , 2011
Young mothers, Education and Social Exclusion
July , 2010
Your gaze hits the side of my face
April , 2010
Young and old star clusters in M31: an HST view
January , 2010
Yang Weizhen’s Iron Style poems on history.
January , 2010
You Just Deal with It. You Have to When You’ve Got a Child.’ A Narrative Analysis of Mothers’ Accounts of How They Coped Both during and after Leaving an Abusive Relationship.
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