Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
January , 2001
Young Offenders From Different Ethnic Backgrounds: A Qualitative Study
January , 2001
Young Offenders From Different Ethnic Backgrounds: A Qualitative Study.
January , 2000
Youth education decisions and job-search behaviour in Australia.
July , 1999
Young men living through and with child sexual abuse : a practitioner research study
June , 1999
Young People with Low Level Literacy Skills in the School and Post-School Environment
April , 1999
Yahweh Versus Baalism: A Theological Reading of the Gideon-Abimelech Narrative
January , 1999
Young People in Secure Accommodation: Perceptions of Residents, Carers and Teachers.
January , 1999
Young People With Low Level Literacy Skills in The School and Post-School Environment.
January , 1998
Yes, No, Maybe. The Practice of Illusion in Dance Theatre Peformance
January , 1998
“You’re only as old as you feel”: Older women’s perceptions of themselves and their lives
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