Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
January , 1998
Young children’s images of the ‘enemy’. A study with Greek and British children
January , 1997
Yes prime manipulator : a descriptive study of a Chinese translation of British political humour
January , 1997
Young women and alcohol : issues of pleasure and power
January , 1997
Young People’s Faith in Late Modernity
August , 1996
‘You just wear what you want don’t yer’? an empirical examination of the relationship between youth consumption and the construction of identity
January , 1996
‘You get a bit wobbly…’: exploring bilingual lexical retrieval processes in the context of first language attrition
January , 1995
You can’t! The daily exercise of police authority in Rio de Janeiro : 1907-1930
January , 1995
Yield of fluorescence from various tissue layers during fluorescence angiography of the ocular fundus
May , 1994
Youth, training and the training state : the real history of youth training in the twentieth century
January , 1994
Yielding of unsaturated soil.
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