Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
April , 2018
Youth civic and political (dis)engagement: representations, patterns and contexts
April , 2018
Young People in Transition: Moving in and out of Jobs Without Training in Sheffield at Age 16 and 17
January , 2018
You are, what you say, you eat – A thesis on perceptions of “meat”
January , 2018
Young and without education or employment: How young people understand their own position in a social context where education is a requirement.
January , 2018
Young Knights of the Empire: The Impact of Chivalry on Literature and Propaganda of the First World War
January , 2018
YAGAL: Yet Another GPGPU Abstraction Library
December , 2017
Yields and properties of char produced by slow pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomasses
November , 2017
Yamabe flow with prescribed scalar curvature
November , 2017
Yeast Microflora and Halitosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma- Two Microbiological Aspects of a Disease
February , 2017
Young-adult relation in ants : larval solicitations for food in Ectatomma tuberculatum
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