Dal sacrificio alla preghiera. La distruzione del Secondo Tempio di Gerusalemme e le trasformazioni cultuali della religione giudaica - PhDData

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Dal sacrificio alla preghiera. La distruzione del Secondo Tempio di Gerusalemme e le trasformazioni cultuali della religione giudaica

The thesis was published by Faustin, Nicolò <1991>, in November 2023, Universita di Bologna.


The destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE represents a crucial moment in the historical and theological evolution of the Jewish religion. Before the catastrophe, the entire cultic system was based on sacrifices, which were concentrated solely in the Temple. With the fall of the latter and the demise of its practices, Judaism had to completely rethink its religion, which gradually became centered on prayer and non-bloody acts of devotion, in a more open, mobile, and horizontal way. Therefore, this research aims to analyze, from a perspective strongly rooted in the anthropology, history, and sociology of religion, the profound meaning of this transformation. To this purpose, the Jewish sacrificial and liturgical cult before and after 70 CE was studied, especially investigating certain specific aspects, such as sacred spatiality, ritual gestures, and the use of music. In this way, it has been possible to outline some fundamental logics that constitute the structure of the entire religious system. Comparing those of the Second Temple period with those after it, a certain linearity emerged, but also a strong discontinuity in the perception of the sacred and its rituals, thus providing a new interpretation of the meaning of such a major transformation.

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