JIT-deliveries based on Quantity Takeoff in a construction project - PhDData

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JIT-deliveries based on Quantity Takeoff in a construction project

The thesis was published by , in January 2022, Aalborg University.


I dette speciale er der udarbejdet et projekt, der lægger grundstenene for Just-in-time (JIT) leverancer i bygge- og anlægsbranchen ved at tage udgangspunkt i en dansk entreprenør virksomhed.Ud fra JIT-teorier og eksisterende litteratur om JIT, der undersøger, hvordan JIT benyttes i bygge- og anlægsbranchen verden over, opstilles der gennem digitalt mængdeudtræk og lokationsbaseret tidsplaner, LBT, en leveranceplan, der kan fordre JIT-leverancer. Løsningen baserer sig på kodningen af objektbaserede 3D modeller, hvor ud fra den foretages mængdeudtræk i Vico Office ud fra opstillingen af regneregler afhængig af objektet og rækkefølgen den skal installeres i bygningen på. Derefter kobles mængdeudtrækket gennem datamanipulation i PowerBI til lokationsbaserede tidsplaner, der munder ud i en leveranceplan. Baseret på denne løsning klarlægges, hvilke processer der er nødvendige for at kunne benyttes i den brede bygge- og anlægsbranchen uafhængig af værktøjer.This project was made in collaboration with a Danish construction company.The purpose of this project is to make the delivery of the right material in the right quantity,quality, time and location on a construction site possible by delivery plans that are based ondigital quantity takeoff from obejct based 3D model and combine it with location based schedule.This system is based on theories about Just in time (JIT) and researchs about the the use ofJIT in the construction industry world wide. Based on the basic principle of JIT the projecgroupanalyze how current construction projects develop through the different phases of a constructionproject by interviewing actors in the Danish construction company mentioned before. Based onthis analysis the detail of the digital quantity takeoff is ajusted to fit in the different stages andlevel of process in the 3D model.The object based 3D model is made in Revit and used in Vico Office for quantity takeoff.The quantity takeoff is then manipulated in PowerBI to connect it with the start date of activityon a construction side which results in a delivery plan.Afterwards the system is generalized to the Dansih construction industry by taking intoconsideration the limitations that the actors of this industry experience through supply withquantities and the Danish building legislations like IKT-bekendtgørelsen og Ydelsesbeskrivelserthat applies to public developer and public housings that are founded by state funds.

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