Our Flag is Queer: an analysis of queer representation in the HBO series Our Flag Means Death - PhDData

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Our Flag is Queer: an analysis of queer representation in the HBO series Our Flag Means Death

The thesis was published by Hansen, Lasse Kjær, in January 2023, Aalborg University.


This thesis examines how the HBO Max TV series Our Flag Means Death works as anexample of queer representation in modern media. Rather than just looking at how the showpresents its numerous queer characters, this thesis is going to view them through the lens ofParsemain’s idea of TV as pedagogy. Queerness as more than sexuality and gender identity isexplored, and the Revenge, the pirate ship where most of the show takes place, is conceptualized asMuñoz idea of a queer utopia. How the show both presents and challenges a dominant idea ofmasculinity is analyzed, and questions of identity alignment are examined. Why queerrepresentation is done with a period piece rather than a show is discussed, and the impact that thequeer representation of a show such as Our Flag Means Death can have on real people is explored.Finally, the question of whether a piece of representation can truly be perfect is considered in regardto the show. The show is found to be an excellent piece of queer representation media, that althoughnot perfect in its own right, as that is near impossible to achieve, it can function as part of acollection of works that together encompass proper queer representation. The queer characters arefree of stereotypes and live happily together aboard the Revenge in a near perfect queer utopia, eachexpressing their individual queerness as they see fit. The show teachers its viewers to approachothers with acceptance and without prejudice, not only regarding queer sexuality, but also whenpeople simply behave in unexpected ways. This is done by showing that judgmental andinappropriate behavior creates tension and unpleasant situation, while treating others with kindnessand openness results in pleasant situations. In relation to this, the series shows its viewers that if andwhen someone is coming out, what they tell you is up to them and there is no need to ask questionsunless they are wanted by the person that is coming out. The non-binary character Jim in the showis played by a non-binary actor and has been written by a team that includes non-binary writers’,while the main character Stede, a gay man, is portrayed by a straight man. This indicates that theteam behind Our Flag Means Death seems to have considered when identity alignment wasnecessary, and when it was better to forgo in favor of identity juxtaposition. Stede’s generalincompetence also highlights why even though it is the norm in queer media, gay white men shouldnot always be in charge. This thesis examines how the HBO Max TV series Our Flag Means Death works as anexample of queer representation in modern media. Rather than just looking at how the showpresents its numerous queer characters, this thesis is going to view them through the lens ofParsemain’s idea of TV as pedagogy. Queerness as more than sexuality and gender identity isexplored, and the Revenge, the pirate ship where most of the show takes place, is conceptualized asMuñoz idea of a queer utopia. How the show both presents and challenges a dominant idea ofmasculinity is analyzed, and questions of identity alignment are examined. Why queerrepresentation is done with a period piece rather than a show is discussed, and the impact that thequeer representation of a show such as Our Flag Means Death can have on real people is explored.Finally, the question of whether a piece of representation can truly be perfect is considered in regardto the show. The show is found to be an excellent piece of queer representation media, that althoughnot perfect in its own right, as that is near impossible to achieve, it can function as part of acollection of works that together encompass proper queer representation. The queer characters arefree of stereotypes and live happily together aboard the Revenge in a near perfect queer utopia, eachexpressing their individual queerness as they see fit. The show teachers its viewers to approachothers with acceptance and without prejudice, not only regarding queer sexuality, but also whenpeople simply behave in unexpected ways. This is done by showing that judgmental andinappropriate behavior creates tension and unpleasant situation, while treating others with kindnessand openness results in pleasant situations. In relation to this, the series shows its viewers that if andwhen someone is coming out, what they tell you is up to them and there is no need to ask questionsunless they are wanted by the person that is coming out. The non-binary character Jim in the showis played by a non-binary actor and has been written by a team that includes non-binary writers’,while the main character Stede, a gay man, is portrayed by a straight man. This indicates that theteam behind Our Flag Means Death seems to have considered when identity alignment wasnecessary, and when it was better to forgo in favor of identity juxtaposition. Stede’s generalincompetence also highlights why even though it is the norm in queer media, gay white men shouldnot always be in charge.

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