Quark and Gluon Propagation in Two-Colour Quantum Chromodynamics at Finite Density - PhDData

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Quark and Gluon Propagation in Two-Colour Quantum Chromodynamics at Finite Density

The thesis was published by Boz, Tamer, in January 2018, NUI Maynooth.


Two-colour quantum chromodynamics has been studied on the lattice at finite chemical potential.
The phase diagram of the theory with respect to varying temperatures and densities is
presented. Deconfinement and normal to superfluid phase transitions are investigated. Chromoelectric
and chromomagnetic components of the gluon propagator have been calculated and
their response to varying temperatures and chemical potentials are studied. The form factors
of the normal and anomalous quark propagator are presented and their behaviour with respect
to changing chemical potential is discussed in the light of corresponding physical expectations.

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