Queer e narrativa italiana: genealogie, impegno politico e linee letterarie - PhDData

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Queer e narrativa italiana: genealogie, impegno politico e linee letterarie

The thesis was published by Ghera, Francesco, in January 2017, UniversitĂ  degli studi di Sassari.


The objectives of our work are three: an analysis and comparison of the different Queer theories and theorists, drawing a picture of political movements queer “ante litteram” and the analysis of the work of Pier Vittorio Tondelli, from the queer perspective.

Our research traces an epistemological picture about the queer theory that contemplates the discussion of the sex and gender categories, the rejection of the strategies of claiming civil rights in favor of policies of transgression, and in literature the use of parody to deconstruct the dichotomous system of knowledge and cataloging of reality and people. Our research, through a genealogical and deconstructivist approach, dwells on Queer theory’s critique of “scientia sexualis”, especially the concept of natural sexuality, the sex/gender system, heteronormativity and the monolithic and essentialist identity.
Our study focuses on the gay movements and radical feminists who protest against the policies of emancipation or liberation to fight against the assimilation by the capitalist system of the emerging gay culture.
The research continues, in the following chapters with an analysis on the relations between gay identity and literature, constructed and reconstructed through the literary pages, especially in two novels by Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Altri libertini and Camere separate.

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