Young people in Turkey living with domestic violence: perspectives, effects and coping strategies
The present study seeks to explore young Turkish people’s exposure to domestic violence during childhood. In doing so it examines their perspectives, the impact of domestic violence on their behaviour and psychological wellbeing, their coping strategies at the time of violence and in its immediate aftermath and it also considers their ideas about possible intervention by support agencies and protection measures. This is a qualitative study, which draws on feminist theory, which centralises gender within the power and control framework, to understand the complex nature of domestic violence. This thesis applies the concept of intersectionality to explore the impacts of intersecting social categories on young people’s experiences. In addition, social learning theory, which sees children as passive victims, and sociology of childhood perspectives, which see children as active agencies, were adopted to explore how young people develop perspectives, responses and coping mechanism.
The findings from in-depth interviews revealed that young people perceived the externalizing and internalizing impacts of exposure to domestic violence on their well-being and behaviours including depression, anxiety, low self-confidence, powerlessness, worthlessness and aggression. Findings outlined that domestic violence is considered a private issue and is most likely perpetrated due to gender inequalities and male domination in a Turkish context. Domestic violence is internalised by young people as a way to discipline a wife. Findings showed that complex interaction of factors shapes coping strategies; hiding, saving siblings, calling outside help, leaving home, involvement, marrying in early ages and pretending like a male. The young people also stressed the need to develop parentfocused and child and young people focused strategies to support people of victims of domestic violence. Finally. They highlighted the importance of schools to improve awareness and develop initial support for young survivors of domestic violence and reformulating gender roles to eradicate the issue.