Youth crime: an investigation into the effectiveness of general re-offending risk assessment tools - PhDData

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Youth crime: an investigation into the effectiveness of general re-offending risk assessment tools

The thesis was published by Fearn, Gina, in July 2014, University of Birmingham.


This thesis examines the effectiveness of general re-offending risk assessment instruments for young people. The introductory chapter considers current trends in Scottish youth crime and provides an overview of the unique way in which children and adolescents are dealt with through the Children’s Hearing System (Social Work Scotland Act, 1968). Chapter two presents a systematic literature review of the risk and protective factors associated with repeat offending and desistance in adolescent offending behaviour. This was deemed necessary as previous adolescent reviews have focused on factors associated with the onset of offending and have neglected to identify those factors associated with continued involvement in crime. Chapter three provides a critical review of the ‘Asset’ risk of general re-offending risk assessment measure. This critique was conducted as ‘Asset’ has routinely been used for the past 13 years across the UK to identify community and custodial disposals for young people involved in criminal behaviour, and it is the measure of risk used in the research element of this thesis. Chapter four comprises an empirical research study, which compares the predictive validity of ‘Asset’ with that of the Youth Level of Service-Case Management Inventory (YLS-CMI) in a sample of Scottish youths. Each instrument predicted general repeat offending with moderate (‘Asset’ Area Under the Curve (AUC) =0.75) to large effect sizes (YLS-CMI AUC =0.81). Finally, chapter five summarises the findings from the previous chapters, considering potential implications for the development of policy and practice, and recommendations for future research.

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