Одећа као средство повезивања и одвајања од спољног света: уметничко дело сценског дизајна - PhDData

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Одећа као средство повезивања и одвајања од спољног света: уметничко дело сценског дизајна

The thesis was published by Mihajlović Darinka, in May 2023, University of Novi Sad.


PhD art project Clothing as means of connecting and disconnecting with the autside world: scene design artwork, shown as an example of scene design artwork “Myself separates my self from the world” deals with the research of the phenomenon of clothing as means of creating a personal identity image, and as means of connecting and separating oneself from the exterior world. Skin represents body’s protective coat and the first protective boundary between a person and their surroundings. Through various sensory experiences, through skin, a connection with the outside is established. Clothing, as an inorganic creation represents the second layer of protection, as well as a means of connecting with the environment. The project is based on personal experience of the importance of clothing in the process of achieving everyday interaction with the exterior world, and narrowly related with protection from direct contact. Analysis of the clothing phenomenon is executed through sociological, psychological, cultural, and aesthetic aspects. All the utilised research leads towards an art project which opens up the space for an analysis of this phenomenon on a personal level.

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