Quantifying the transient interfacial area during slag-metal reactions - PhDData

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Quantifying the transient interfacial area during slag-metal reactions

The thesis was published by Spooner, Stephen, in January 2017, University of Warwick.


The steel industry is facing significant competition on a global scale due to the drive for light-weighting and cheaper more sustainable construction. Not aided by oversupply in geographic sectors of the industry, there is significant competition within the slowly shrinking sector. The recent growth in developing countries through installation of modern plant technology has led to the reduction in unique selling points for mature steelmaking locations. As such, to compete with the equalling product capability and innate cheaper production costs within developing areas the industries in Europe and North America require significant improvements in productivity and agile resource management. To date the basic oxygen furnace has been somewhat treated as a black box within industry, where only control parameters are monitored, not the fundamental mechanisms within the converter. Studies over the past 30 years have shown the basic oxygen furnace is unable to attain the thermodynamic minimum phosphorus content within the output liquid steel. Coupled with the need to drive down resource cost, with a potential for high content phosphorus ores the internal dynamic system of the basic oxygen furnace requires more rigorous understanding.

With the aid of in-situ sampling of a pilot scale basic oxygen furnace, and laboratory studies of individual metal droplets suspended in a slag medium (known to be a key driving environment for impurity removal) the present project aims to provide insight into the transient interfacial area between slag and liquid metal through basic oxygen steelmaking processing. Initially the macroscopic dynamics including the amount of metal suspended in the gas/slag/metal emulsion, the period of time it is suspended for, and the speed at which it moves, is investigated. It was found that these parameters vary greatly through the blow, with a normal peak in residence times near the beginning of the blow and a dramatic increase in metal circulation rates at the end of the blow, when foaming is reduced or collapsed. Further to this, a method of interrogating the size of metal droplets within the slag layer using X-ray computed tomography is introduced.

The study then progresses into the microscopic environments that individual droplets are subjected to during steel processing. Initially the cause of spontaneous emulsification in basic oxygen furnace type slags is investigated through high temperature-confocal scanning laser microscopy/X-ray computed tomography led experimentation, with the addition of null experiments conducted to rationalize the experimental technique. It was found that the flux of oxygen across the interface was the cause and thus the confirmation of material transfer across the interface being the driving force. Furthermore the physical pathway of emulsification is interrogated and quantified, with in-situ observation of spontaneous emulsification in the high temperature-confocal scanning laser microscope enabled through use of optically transparent slags. The life cycle of perturbation growth, necking and budding is observed and quantified through high-resolution X-ray computed tomography. In addition a phase-field model is developed to interrogate slag/metal systems in 2D and 3D variations, giving rise to the ability to track the cause of emulsification and to predict its occurrence.

Finally the project progresses with the in-situ investigation of spontaneous emulsification as a function of initial metal composition. The behaviour of droplet spontaneous emulsification is seen to reduce in severity and subsequently to decline into a non-emulsifying regime below a critical level. Free energy calculations coupled with a measure of the global interfacial tension increase give quantifiable reasoning as to the behaviour seen.

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