Canonical Algebraic Generators in Automata Learning - PhDData

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Canonical Algebraic Generators in Automata Learning

The thesis was published by Zetzsche, Stefan Jens, in August 2023, UCL (University College London).


Many methods for the verification of complex computer systems require the existence of a tractable mathematical abstraction of the system, often in the form of an automaton. In reality, however, such a model is hard to come up with, in particular manually. Automata learning is a technique that can automatically infer an automaton model from a system — by observing its behaviour. The majority of automata learning algorithms is based on the so-called L* algorithm. The acceptor learned by L* has an important property: it is canonical, in the sense that, it is, up to isomorphism, the unique deterministic finite automaton of minimal size accepting a given regular language. Establishing a similar result for other classes of acceptors, often with side-effects, is of great practical importance. Non-deterministic finite automata, for instance, can be exponentially more succinct than deterministic ones, allowing verification to scale. Unfortunately, identifying a canonical size-minimal non-deterministic acceptor of a given regular language is in general not possible: it can happen that a regular language is accepted by two non-isomorphic non-deterministic finite automata of minimal size. In particular, it thus is unclear which one of the automata should be targeted by a learning algorithm. In this thesis, we further explore the issue and identify (sub-)classes of acceptors that admit canonical size-minimal representatives.

In more detail, the contributions of this thesis are three-fold.

First, we expand the automata (learning) theory of Guarded Kleene Algebra with Tests (GKAT), an efficiently decidable logic expressive enough to model simple imperative programs. In particular, we present GL*, an algorithm that learns the unique size-minimal GKAT automaton for a given deterministic language, and prove that GL* is more efficient than an existing variation of L*. We implement both algorithms in OCaml, and compare them on example programs.

Second, we present a category-theoretical framework based on generators, bialgebras, and distributive laws, which identifies, for a wide class of automata with side-effects in a monad, canonical target models for automata learning. Apart from recovering examples from the literature, we discover a new canonical acceptor of regular languages, and present a unifying minimality result.

Finally, we show that the construction underlying our framework is an instance of a more general theory. First, we see that deriving a minimal bialgebra from a minimal coalgebra can be realized by applying a monad on a category of subobjects with respect to an epi-mono factorisation system. Second, we explore the abstract theory of generators and bases for algebras over a monad: we discuss bases for bialgebras, the product of bases, generalise the representation theory of linear maps, and compare our ideas to a coalgebra-based approach.

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