Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
November , 2023
Young People’s Demography in Democracy: The Effect of Youth Cohort Size on Youth Political Attitudes and Behaviors in Democratic Societies (1995-2020)
January , 2023
Young people, individualism, and welfare conditionality over time
January , 2023
You are Okay: Supporting children with mild intellectual disabilities and their parents with mental health concerns
January , 2023
Yielding Transitions in Amorphous Materials
January , 2023
Young adults’ decision-making in their transition to world-of-work and the role of key influencers and Scottish policies in shaping and supporting educational choices
January , 2023
You are (not) invited! – The inclusive participation of human actors in SDE student projects
January , 2023
Young men’s education to work transitions in post-industrial Glasgow and Liverpool
January , 2023
Your T-Shirt Deserves to Last: Negotiating Ecodesign Requirements for Garments
December , 2022
You see?: Investigating the Effects of Different Types of Guidance in Eye Movement Modeling Examples
December , 2022
You deserve better: improving services for domestic abuse survivors and their providers by using experience-based co-design
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