Code Coverage Measurement and Fault Localization Approaches - PhDData

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Code Coverage Measurement and Fault Localization Approaches

The thesis was published by Horváth Ferenc, in July 2023, University of Szeged.


Code coverage measurement plays an important role in white-box testing, both in industrial practice and academic research. Several areas are highly dependent on code coverage as well, including test case generation, test prioritization, fault localization, and others. Out of these areas, this dissertation focuses on two main topics, and the thesis points are divided into two parts accordingly. The first part consists of one thesis point that discusses the differences between methods for measuring code coverage in Java and the effects of these differences. The second part focuses on a fault localization technique called spectrum-based fault localization that utilizes code coverage to estimate the risk of each program element being faulty. More specifically, the corresponding two thesis points are discussing the improvement of the efficiency of spectrum-based approaches by incorporating external information, e.g., users’ knowledge, and context data extracted from call chains.

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