Oplevelsen af Posttraumatisk Vækst efter en psykotisk episode, hos individer med en svær psykisk sygdom - en kvalitativ metasyntese - PhDData

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Oplevelsen af Posttraumatisk Vækst efter en psykotisk episode, hos individer med en svær psykisk sygdom – en kvalitativ metasyntese

The thesis was published by Rasmussen, Mette Mølgaard Konge, in January 2023, Aalborg University.


Aims: The aim of this qualitative meta-synthesis is to investigate the experience of post-traumatic growth following a psychotic episode in individuals with a severe mental disorder.Background: A psychotic episode can appear as a traumatic experience for those who go through it and is generally considered to be an exclusively horrible phenome-non. However, there may be positive aspects following this traumatic event, which will be examined in this qualitative meta-synthesis using the theory of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) as a framework.Design: This qualitative meta-synthesis follows the principles of PRISMA’s guide-lines.Method: Through two electronic databases (PsycInfo & PubMed), a systematic lite-rature search was carried out, which was completed on 17/2 2023. Qualitative studies that investigated positive changes after a psychotic episode, in connection with seve-re mental disorders, were included for later quality assessment and analysis. The qua-lity assessment was carried out using the “Checklist for assessing the quality of quali-tative studies”, and the analysis was carried out using best-fit-framework analysis.Results: 11 studies were integrated into this qualitative metasynthesis. The studies were then examined for elements of the 5 areas of Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). There were identified 8 studies with elements of Appreciation of Life (AoL), 9 studies with elements of Relationships with others (RwO), 7 studies with elements of New possibilities in life (NP), 10 studies with elements of Personal strength (PS), and 5 studies with elements of Spiritual change (SC).Conclusion: Personal strength was not only the area which occurred most often, but also seemed, as an area of PTGI, to influence the occurrence of positive growth in the other areas. In addition, the experience of the time after a psychosis can be under-stood through “The Meaning-making Model”, which can help to understand both the negative and positive aspects of recovery. In general, there is a need for more re-search in relation to PTG as a concept, and PTGI as a measurement tool of PTG.Individuals who have been through a psychosis could be supported to develop PTG with the help of trauma-focused intervention, by which they could hopefully experi-ence positive identity change following the psychosis. This meta-synthesis finds it necessary to produce more longitudinal studies, which could help to create a greater understanding of PTG, as well as a further validation of current research methods of the phenomena.

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