Quality in social pedagogical practice in a residential childcare center: A study of social educators' experience of being able to create quality in their daily work with children and young people placed in a residential childcare center - PhDData

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Quality in social pedagogical practice in a residential childcare center: A study of social educators’ experience of being able to create quality in their daily work with children and young people placed in a residential childcare center

The thesis was published by Nystrømer, Nina Margrete, in January 2020, Aalborg University.


En kvalitativ undersøgelse baseret på syv interviews med socialpædagoger på et døgnbehandlingstilbud. Med udgangspunkt i institutionel organisationsteori undersøges hvordan socialpædagogerne oplever at omgivelserne påvirker deres mulighed for at opnå kvalitet i deres daglige arbejde med anbragte børn og unge.A qualitative study based on seven interviews with social pedagogues on a residential childcare center. Based on institutional organizational theory, i examine how the social pedagogues experience that the institutions environmental settings affects their ability to achieve quality in their daily work.

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