Quantum Correlations and Temperature Fluctuations in Nanoscale Systems - PhDData

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Quantum Correlations and Temperature Fluctuations in Nanoscale Systems

The thesis was published by Brange, Fredrik, in January 2019, Lund University.


This thesis addresses two different topics related to the physics of nanoscale systems. The first topic concerns quantum correlations and entanglement between electrons in solid-state systems, with a focus on how to generate electronic orbital entanglement on a sub-decoherence time scale and how to achieve experimentally more feasible entanglement detection schemes. The second topic concerns heat transport and temperature fluctuations in nanoscale systems, with a focus on how to utilize temperature fluctuations for calorimetric detection of single particles. The thesis comprises five papers.In Paper I, we propose a quantum dot system to generate and detect, using cotunneling processes, orbitally entangled pairs of electrons on a sub-decoherence time scale.In Paper II, we investigate, by applying an entanglement witness, the minimal number of zero-frequency current cross-correlation measurements needed to detect bipartite entanglement between two flying qubits.In Paper III, we consider energy and temperature fluctuations, and the influence of charging effects, in a metallic island tunnel coupled to a normal metallic lead, the so-called single electron box.In Paper IV, we investigate nanoscale quantum calorimetry and propose a setup consisting of a metallic island and a superconducting lead to realize a nanoscale calorimeter that may probe the energies of tunneling electrons.In Paper V, we investigate photon transport statistics of a microwave cavity, including the short-time statistics of single photon emissions and the long-time statistics of heat transport through the cavity.

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