X-ray spectral states and metallicity of Ultra Luminous X-ray sources: a deeper insight into their spectral properties
Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are a class of extragalactic, off nuclear and point-like sources with isotropic X-ray luminosities higher than 1e39 erg/s. They are supposed to be accreting Black Hole binaries systems but the accretion mechanisms at the basis of their extremely high X-ray luminosity are still matter of debate.
We carried out a detailed spectral analysis of all the available XMM-Newton observations of two ULXs in NGC 1313, adopting a common model based on a multicolor disc plus a comptonizing component. We were able to describe the spectral evolution of the two sources within such a common framework. Furthermore, we investigated the chemical abundances of their local environments making use of both EPIC and RGS data. The results appear to indicate sub-solar metallicity for both sources.
The possible existence of two spectral states in NGC 1313 X-1 and X-2 suggested to look for similar behaviours also in other ULXs. We then studied a larger sample of sources, including IC 342 X-1, NGC 5204 X-1, NGC 5408 X-1, Holmberg IX X-1, Holmberg II X-1, NGC 55 ULX1 and NGC 253 X-1. These sources were selected because they have a luminosity higher than 2e39 erg/s, are nearby, have one long observation and at least three other observations. The high quality observations provide at least 10000 counts in the EPIC instruments allowing us to constrain the curvature at high energy and to perform an analysis of the abundances of the material along the line of sight.
We found that, in most of the spectra of the sources of our sample, the high energy component has a low temperature and is optically thick. However, because of the poor quality of some observations, the spectral fits are sometimes affected by a degeneracy between the spectral parameters and the roll-over of the spectrum at high energy is not easy to detect. For these reasons, similarly to what has been done for low counting statistics spectra of Galactic X-ray binaries (XRBs), we adopted the method of the hardness ratios that has also the advantage to allow us to study the spectral variability in a way completely independent of the spectral models. This analysis suggests the existence of possible characteristic evolutionary patterns on the color-color and intensity-color diagrams linking at least two different spectral states. This behaviour can be explained in terms of a non-standard accretion disc in which the increment of the accretion rate produces outflows that become more and more important at the highest luminosities.
We tested the scenario of the ejection of a wind jointly analyzing the spectral and timing properties of the source NGC 55 ULX1 which shows a puzzling flux variability. In fact, fast drops in the flux are observed on time scales of minutes to hours that may be produced by optically thick blobs of matter that from time to time encounter our line of sight. We compared its variability properties with those of a Galactic accreting systems, EXO 0748-676, which is powered by a neutron star and is a known dipping source. We characterised the nature of the variability observed in the power density spectrum and, in particular, we checked the presence of a linear relation between the Root Mean Square (RMS) variability and the flux in several energy bands. We found that, in EXO 0748-676, the predominance of an (ionised) absorber strongly affects the RMS-flux relation which may anticorrelate when the absorption lines are unsaturated. On the other hand, no further variability is introduced when they are saturated and the variability is dominated by the accretion flow. In this case the source shows a positive correlation between RMS and flux.
Since we found an anticorrelation in NGC ULX1, we suggest that at the highest flux levels, massive and unsaturated turbulent outflows are ejected.
Finally, persistent ULXs, as those discussed above, do not allow us an easy comparison with the behaviour of Galactic XRBs. Transient ULXs are much more promising in this respect as they span different accretion regimes. Till now, only a handful of transient ULXs has been discovered and the link between them and the persistent sources is still unclear. We monitored the evolution of a new ULX (XMMU J004243.6+41251) discovered in January, 2012 in M31 by XMM-Newton. Its outburst showed that, at maximum luminosity, it entered in the ULX regime. It was then extensively followed by Swift during the flux decay. The source has experienced a fast rise in flux after discovery during which the XMM-Newton spectra changed from a powerlaw-like to a disk-like shape in the Swift spectra, suggesting a transition between the canonical low/hard and high/soft states. Its luminosity remained fairly constant for at least 40 days and then it faded below 1e38 erg/s. During the decay the disc emission softened and the temperature decreased from ~0.9 keV to ~0.5 keV.
An optical follow-up and the UVOT images failed to provide evidence of a counterpart down to 22 mag in the optical band and to 23-24 mag in the near Ultraviolet. We compared the properties of XMMU J004243.6+412519 with those of other known ULXs and Galactic black hole transients, finding more similarities with the latter.