Yoga as a treatment for hypertension in primary care. A quantitative and qualitative analysis conducted in Sweden - PhDData

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Yoga as a treatment for hypertension in primary care. A quantitative and qualitative analysis conducted in Sweden

The thesis was published by WOLFF, MOA, in January 2016, Lund University.


Introduction: Persistent hypertension is a key risk factor for coronary heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure. For primary care physicians, hypertension is the number one diagnosis for office visits and for our communities, the treatment of high blood pressure (BP) and its consequences constitutes a substantial economic burden. Aim: To evaluate yoga as a treatment for hypertension in primary care. Methods: The thesis is based on two quantitative studies and one qualitative study: •A prospective three-arm single-centre study of two types of yoga (83 adult primary care patients diagnosed with hypertension). BP measurement, blood sampling and a questionnaire on self-rated quality of life (QOL) were carried out at baseline and after 12 weeks of intervention. There were two intervention groups and one control group. The groups were matched based on baseline systolic BP (SBP). (Papers I and II) •A three-centre parallel group randomized controlled trial (RCT) with follow-up after 12-week intervention completion (191 adult primary care patients diagnosed with hypertension). At baseline and follow-up, the participants underwent standardized BP measurements and completed questionnaires on QOL, stress, anxiety and depression. (Paper III) •A qualitative study based on individual semi-structured interviews with 13 participants from the intervention group of the RCT. We used a semi-structured interview guide according to Kvale. Qualitative analysis was conducted by systematic text condensation inspired by Malterud. (Paper IV) Results: Paper I: The patients who performed a short home-based yoga programme 15 minutes daily had a decline in diastolic BP (DBP) of 4.4 mmHg (p

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