Žmogaus smegenų kraujotakos parametrų neinvazinių matavimų problemų tyrimai - PhDData

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Žmogaus smegenų kraujotakos parametrų neinvazinių matavimų problemų tyrimai

The thesis was published by Deimantavičius, Mantas, in August 2022, Kaunas University of Technology.


Intracranial pressure is defined as the pressure of cerebral fluid inside the skull and backbone channel. Cerebral autoregulation is an automatic process in a human organism as an ability to regulate blood flow which is stabilized seeking to ensure optimal metabolism of brain cells. Intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral autoregulation (CA) can only be measured by using the invasive methods in worldwide clinical practice. The scientific-technological problem that is solved in this work is as follows: is it possible to develop non-invasive ICP measurement technology and CA monitoring technology which can satisfy clinical sensitivity requirements when cerebral autoregulation is active or impaired? The work hypothesis follows from the formulation of the problem: the technology based on the principle of pressure balance and technology for measuring the optical nerve subarachnoid space area can be developed into an ICP value meter required for the precision of clinical practise, and non-invasive TOF CA monitoring technology can be developed up to the sensitivity and specificity required for clinical practise. The work hypothesis is proved by means of the non-invasive ICP, CA and optic nerve sheath diameter measurements studies of neurologic, severe traumatic brain injured, glaucoma patients, healthy volunteers and animals.

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