Worldwide Thesis Database & PhD tips
PhD Tips
October , 2022
What rude awakening are graduate and Ph.D. students in for?
October , 2022
Would you accept a fully funded Ph.D. at a good but non-top university or a self-funded Ph.D. at a top University?
September , 2022
How do PhD students keep their motivation up?
September , 2022
Why would a PhD student drop out after spending so much time in the program?
September , 2022
Can a Ph.D. supervisor fire you?
September , 2022
Is it frowned upon to do a Ph.D. at the same university where you completed your undergraduate degree?
September , 2022
Can you live off of a Ph.D. stipend?
September , 2022
What factors influence a decision to accept/refuse a potential Ph.D. student as a professor?
September , 2022
Why are PhDs doctors of philosophy?
September , 2022
What is it like defending a thesis?
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